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Renaissance Woman

With the corporate revolution of the 70’s becoming part of our cultural awareness, the significance of being a woman has changed. Women now acknowledge that they are not just fighting for the ability to work like a man in a man’s world. Rather they are beginning to embrace a renaissance: the ability of a woman to bring her feminine strengths to the world of business and solve problems in appropriate, yet more female, ways.

Today’s woman is experiencing this renaissance. We don’t have to buck a trend to work in a men only world. We aren’t culturally expected to stay home and tend the home fires for our significance. Rather, we are invited to step into what we really want for its own sake. Women today are actors and teachers, scientists and nurses, authors and politicians. Like never before we get to step onto the world stage and exert our positive force in an ever widening circle.

A successful renaissance business woman is more than just a businessman who happens to be female. She knows how to network and how to get a job done, but she often does it with the special aspect of femininity.

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